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A large number of people come to our country every year to work, migrate to other countries or seek asylum, and the number of these people is increasing every year. As a result of the civil war in Syria that started in 2011, Turkey is currently the country hosting the largest number of refugees in the world, with a refugee population of nearly 4 million, including 3.6 million Syrians. The number of refugees who came to Turkey from various ways and countries outside Syria is approximately 400 thousand. About 60 thousand of Syrian refugees live in temporary accommodation centers (Presidency of Migration Management, 08.02.2024). The other large part of the population is scattered in almost all provinces, especially in Istanbul and South Eastern provinces.


Refugees,  who are defined as people who have taken refuge in another country by having to leave their country  due to their religion, nationality, membership in a certain social group or political opinions, have to reside in the provinces where they are registered in our country. Since Turkey is a signatory to the 1951 Geneva Convention, the fundemental international convention on asylum, with geographical limitations, it only accepts people from Council of Europe member states as refugees. In this case, the number of people granted refugee status is very limited in our country. Persons who request asylum in Turkey from outside the Council of Europe countries and whose request is justified as a result of an evaluation are given a conditional refugee status; Syrians who were forced to leave their country and came to Turkey en masse to seek emergency and temporary protection are included in temporary protection status. The most vulnerable of conditional refugees and people granted temporary protection status are expected to be recommended to third countries within the framework of the joint work of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations unit for refugees, and the Presidency of Migration Management. The final decision on resettlement is made by the countries of acceptance. However, the number of refugees resettled to a third country each year rarely exceeds 20,000.


On the other hand, Turkey is a transit country for people who take action in the hope of going to European countries. For this reason, it is also known that there are many people in our country who do not apply for asylum and try to get the opportunity to go to European countries without documents when they have an opportunity and risk incredible dangers.


HRDF is the first non-governmental organization that started to provide legal and psychological counseling to people who came to our country with asylum requests starting from 2002. Following these pilot studies, in 2003, with the support of UNHCR, psychological support services were expanded to continue in Istanbul and Ankara. Since 2007, social counseling services have been included in the current program, and in addition to the provinces of Istanbul and Ankara, the provinces of Van, Ağrı, Bilecik, Kütahya and Eskişehir have been included in the program. The program is carried out by social workers, lawyers, psychologists and translators in 8 project offices in 7 provinces. The aim of the program is to provide protection and social support to people who are in our country seeking asylum and to facilitate their adaptation to the society they live in. Our "Multi-Purpose Community Center" in Esenler, one of our two offices in Istanbul, mainly serves Syrian refugees, while our other offices provide services to all refugees. In addition to UNHCR, the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Unit (ECHO), the German Agency for International Cooperation – GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH) and Welthungerhilfe (WHH) provided financial support to our refugee support efforts in 2023.


Although we had to close our offices intermittently in the last three years due to the Covid-19 epidemic that affected our country, we managed to keep our offices functional with the support of our employees. During the period when the epidemic started and intensified, we formed mobile teams in the provinces where we carried out our work and carried out our protection and consultancy services over the phone. As of mid-2022, we opened our offices after the epidemic slowed down, and in 2023, we provided full-staff and full-time protection services. Within the scope of these efforts, a total of 39,297 refugees were provided with counseling and access to protection and social services through our representative offices in Istanbul-Beyoğlu, Istanbul-Esenler, Ankara, Eskişehir, Kütahya, Bilecik, Van and Ağrı in 2023, and financial assistance was provided to 6,328 refugees. In February 2023, the earthquake disaster in the southeastern provinces deeply affected the refugees, and people in the region were allowed to go to other provinces. Legal and psycho-social support was provided to 6,450 earthquake victims through our representative offices, and financial assistance was provided to 2,945 refugees to support their access to basic needs. They also referred to municipalities, social assistance and solidarity foundations, United Nations units providing various support services and non-governmental organizations.


Social Cohesion Activities


In addition to providing protection and social support to refugees, our foundation cares about their adaptation to the society they live in and organizes activities in this direction. Social cohesion activities, which were transferred to the social media environment during the pandemic, started to be held face-to-face again in 2023 with the easing and normalization of the epidemic. In 2023, in addition to the activities held with the beneficiaries, capacity building trainings for the employees of new non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local governments and universities in the field were among the activities of our Foundation.


In order to determine the contents of social cohesion activities throughout the year, focus group interviews were conducted with different beneficiary group members on different themes, and the themes and contents of the activities were determined together. In addition to refugee groups, activities were carried out to improve the support capacities of municipalities and non-governmental organizations, especially universities, in the field of asylum. The themes and contents of these activities were determined through focus group interviews. Social cohesion activities carried out in 2023 are summarized under the following headings.


Activities for Children and Young People


Critical Thinking Workshop


In this workshop, which was carried out with participants between the ages of 8-11, critical thinking was emphasized. The workshop is based on the idea that teaching children to think critically is an investment in their future success and well-being, and it is aimed to empower children to become more capable, independent and responsible individuals who can cope with the complexities of the modern world and contribute positively to society. In this context, exercises were carried out with the children on decision-making, categorization and philosophical questions in a way that is appropriate for their age. The workshops, which were held 5 times in 2023, were carried out with 58 participants.


Board Game Workshop


In this workshop for participants between the ages of 8-11, different board games were played with children and different board game designs were introduced. The general features of board games were mentioned and it was aimed to reinforce social cohesion by designing a new game together. The workshops, which were held 5 times in 2023, were carried out with 36 participants.


Toys and Gender


In this workshop for children between the ages of 5-7, the issue of gender was covered through toys. 23 children participated in the workshop.


23 April Children's Festival


On April 19, 2023, refugees and Turkish children celebrated April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day, which was gifted to the children of the world by Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, together at Anadolu University Turkish World Science, Culture and Art Center. In the Second Traditional Children of the World Festival, which was organized under the leadership of Eskişehir Provincial Directorate of Migration Management and of which we are the main stakeholder, games, improvisational theater, face painting and painting activities were held for children throughout the day. In addition, our African Children's Dance Group, consisting of 7 African refugee children, performed its first show and received great acclaim.


Activities for Parents


Safe Motherhood


In this activity, in which women who are pregnant, have just given birth or have young children were invited, topics such as safe motherhood and positive parenting were mentioned. 73 women participated in the workshops in 4 sessions.


Sexual Development and Sexual Health in Children and Young People


This workshop, in which the sexual development and behaviors of infants, children and young people at different stages starting from infancy to the age of 19 were explained. The workshop was organized 2 times, in Persian and Arabic, and was carried out with 19 participants.


"Best Narcotics Police: MOTHER" Project Information Seminar


Within the framework of the "Best Narcotics Police: Mother" project carried out by the Kütahya Police Department Anti-Narcotic Crimes Branch Directorate, an information and awareness-raising event was held for refugees residing in Kütahya on the prevention of drug use and addiction. A total of 38 people, including 6 Iranian and 32 Afghan women, attended the seminar, which aimed to provide information about drugs and their effects, symptoms of addiction, and institutions where support can be obtained for addiction.


Reproductive Health/Sexual Health and Women's Health Activities


Breast Self-Examination and Breast Cancer Awareness Training


In the workshop, what needs to be done for early diagnosis of breast cancer was explained and how to perform breast self-examination at home by eye and hand was explained. The workshop was held 5 times in Istanbul and 68 women participated. Two similar studies to inform beneficiaries about breast cancer were carried out in cooperation with Cancer Early Diagnosis, Screening and Education Centers (KETEM) in Van and Bilecik provinces. Within the framework of these trainings, 30 women were informed.


Workshops on Sexually Transmitted Infections


This workshop was organized for women and sexually transmitted infections were introduced, their symptoms and ways of protection were discussed. 45 women participated in the workshops and they were organized 4 times. Condoms were also distributed to women at this event,




Methods of contraception, the ways of action of these methods and the well-known misconceptions about the methods were discussed with the participants. The workshops were conducted in 3 sessions with 36 women.


Workshops for Women


Power Flower Workshop


In this event, which received the most demand of the year, the participants discussed with the help of a flower template how the society classifies and differentiates us; Our strengths and weaknesses have been identified. The Power Flower workshop was held in places such as Pera Museum and Gazhane Cultural Center as well as HRDF offices. 125 women participated in the workshops, which were organized in 7 sessions.


Turkish Language Speaking Club for Women


In this program, which was carried out jointly with the Zeytinburnu Municipality Family, Women's Support and Disabled Center (AKDEM), workshops were held to encourage Afghan women living in the region to speak Turkish and to support their daily speaking ptractice. The workshops were conducted in 19 sessions with 172 participants.


Cultural Cuisine


In the workshops implemented in cooperation with İBB Women's Houses, women from different nationalities cooked dishes from their own cultures, told their stories and contributed to social cohesion. The workshops, which were carried out with 62 participating women, were organized in 3 sessions.


Capacity Building and Collaborations with Other Institutions


Istinye University Department of Sociology – What is Social Cohesion?


In this workshop, which was organized in cooperation with Istinye University, the students of the Department of Sociology shared what social cohesion is from the perspective of migration and observations from the field. 21 students participated in the workshops, which were organized in 4 sessions.


Civil Society Development Center Association (STGM) Civil Society School (STOK) Training Program


The approach to migration in our country is security-oriented, and this approach results in discrimination and exclusion of immigrants in most countries. Instead of a security-oriented approach, a "migration and development" oriented approach is advocated on international platforms and it is argued that this approach is for the benefit of the host country as well as the migrants. In line with this approach, an online training program for civil society workers was prepared by our experts within the scope of the Civil Society Development Center Project, which is being carried out together with the Civil Society Development Center Association in 2022. The training program is available on the STGM website - STOK Training Program - The face-to-face version of the training was implemented as a 3-day training program in July with the participation of 23 non-governmental organization employees. In the program, the concept of "Migration and Development" was introduced and information was provided to NGO employees on protection and social cohesion.


İBB Neighborhood Houses- Capacity Building Trainings


In cooperation with İBB Neighborhood Houses, social cohesion trainings were organized for the capacity building needs identified in the focus group interviews for İBB employees. 27 İBB employees participated in the workshops held in 2 sessions.

İBB Istanbul Foundation – Institute Istanbul İSMEK – Today's Day Study

This activity was organized jointly with İBB Istanbul Foundation and Institute Istanbul ISMEK, refugee and Turkish women were brought together to determine their needs and information was provided to the participants on issues such as women's health, our prejudices, and women's rights. 108 women participated in the workshops organized in 5 sessions.


Zeytinburnu Municipality AKDEM- Capacity building activities


In cooperation with the Zeytinburnu Municipality Family, Women's Support and Disabled People Center (AKDEM), a training program was prepared for capacity building in order to support the development of professional staff in the field of migration. The training program, the content of which was determined by focus group interviews, was applied to 41 employees in 4 sessions. The trainings are expected to last until the end of April 2024.


Mimar Sinan University – Non-Governmental Organizations Elective Course Seminars


In cooperation with Mimar Sinan University, 2 seminars on social cohesion were organized in the Non-Governmental Organizations elective course given at the university. The seminars, which provided information about the scope of social cohesion in general and the studies carried out in this field, were held in 2 sessions with the participation of 28 students.


Civil Society Development Center (STGM) Civil Voices Festival


We participated in the Civil Voices Festival organized by STGM in Izmir and our Foundation was represented. In the exhibition opened in the festival area, the participants were informed about our publications and works, and a workshop on "What is Social Cohesion and Why is it Necessary?" was held. 25 people participated in the workshop organized within the scope of the 2-day festival, and more than 250 visitors learned about our Foundation from our stand.


Bahçeşehir University "Harmony – Social Cohesion Meetings"


Within the scope of the "Harmony, Social Cohesion Meetings" organized by Bahçeşehir University, a social cohesion workshop was held, and more than 50 students studying in different departments were informed about both social cohesion and the activities of our Foundation in 2 different information sessions.


Social Events Held on Special Days


Activities were planned in all our offices that provide support to refugees within a 16-day period starting with 20 June World Refugee Day, 23 April Children's Festival, 8 March International Working Women's Day, and 25 November International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, including 1 December World AIDS Day, and continuing until 10 December Human Rights Day, a number of special events such as concerts, meetings, exhibitions and conferences were organized. During the organization and execution of most of these activities, HRDF representatives have developed cooperation with the Provincial Directorates of Migration Management, Provincial Directorates of Family and Social Services, municipalities and NGOs with which they work in the field. Thanks to the collaborations developed, information activities and activities were delivered to more beneficiaries and the effectiveness of the studies was increased by receiving the support of expert organizations.

In addition to UNHCR, the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Unit (ECHO), the German Agency for International Cooperation – GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH) and Welthungerhilfe (WHH) provided financial support to our refugee support efforts in 2023.

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