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Capacity Building Center Project for Civil Society


At the beginning of February 2021, the "Capacity Building Center for Civil Society" project started with the financial support of the European Union and under the leadership of the Civil Society Development Center Association (Sivil Toplum Geliştirme Merkezi Derneği - STGM). We are cooperating with the International Children's Center (ICC) and the Gender Equality Monitoring Association (CEID) in this project.


In our world where everything is changing rapidly as partners of the project we have prepared a four-year program for civil society to anticipate the change, be effective in the management of the process, and shape its future together. We intend to put the demand of civil society for a common future into words together.


Within the scope of our project, we have planned organizational capacity strengthening training; meetings that support acquaintances; experience opportunities to develop skills to anticipate and manage change;  studies to understand the languages, expectations, and perceptions of future generations.


In addition to the planned activities, technical and legal support for CSOs will continue under the STGM Support Point.


You can click the link below to go to the Civil Society Capacity Strengthening Center Project’s website.

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​Mainstreaming the Concept of Development and Migration 

​Migration and development is a concept that has gained importance in recent years and is increasingly supported by national and international non-governmental organizations within the scope of localization. Ensuring access to livelihoods by strengthening local resources is a valid strategy for improving the living conditions of refugees. HRDF carries out education and advocacy activities to popularize the concept of migration and development, to include immigrants in the development agenda, and to realize the right of refugees to access livelihoods as an element of human rights.


​In this regard, cooperation is being carried out in the project mentioned above with the Civil Society Development Center Association (STGM). The training program titled " Mainstreaming of refugee rights", which aims to mainstream the issue of migration and development, has been prepared by our Foundation and is implemented online within the scope of STGM's STOK training program.


​You can use the link below to access the Mainstreaming of Refugee Rights online training program published within the scope of STOK.

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Localization Advocacy Group


Localization Advocacy Group, which became official with the initiative of the Support to Life Association in 2020; It is supported by the Human Resources Development Foundation (HRDF) and Civil Society Development Center (STGM) within the scope of the 'Civil Society Capacity Strengthening Project'.


Localization Advocacy Group works to strengthen and coordinate local organizations and proposes permanent and sustainable local solutions to improve the lives of at-risk and disadvantaged groups, especially refugees and humanitarian needs arising from the Syrian crisis. Arguing that strong local actors are needed, he works to strengthen and coordinate local organizations. It advocates equal and strategic partnership agreements instead of the subcontracting model, with the aim of carrying out the collaborations of local organizations with international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), United Nations (UN) agencies and donors (funding institutions) in a fair and equal relationship.  It works to ensure that more humanitarian funds reach local organizations and affected communities in the event of a humanitarian crisis.

​You can use the link below for information about the Localization Advocacy Group.

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Civil Society Development Program
Technical Assistance for Non-Governmental Organizations (TACSO) Project


​The Technical Assistance for Non-Governmental Organizations (TACSO) Project, financed by the European Union, is a project implemented in the Western Balkan countries and Turkey within the scope of the Civil Society Support Fund. Human Resources Development Foundation took part in the first two phases of the project as a partner. The main aims of the project are to support the increase in the technical capacity of non-governmental organizations and to contribute to their participation in the democratic process.


You can click the link below to go to TACSO's website.

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